
The page you are about to view contains before and after images of actual patients of Dr. Raj Mohan. These images contain nudity.

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High Definition Lipo Patient 2

This young female in her 20s is in excellent shape and is very active.  But she reported stubborn areas in her abdomen that prevented her from having a very toned or defined look.  This would require extreme dieting and exercise to achieve.  With hi-def liposuction using Vaser, the patient’s entire midsection was treated to create […]

High Definition Lipo Patient 1

This beautiful patient in her 20s is in excellent shape and is very active. But she reported stubborn areas in her abdomen and various parts of her body that prevented her from having a very toned or defined look. With hi-def liposuction using Vaser, the patient’s entire midsection was treated to create definition of her […]


This is a young male who stated gynecomastia is hereditary and everyone in his family has the condition.  He felt his chest looks like it had female breasts.  He desired male breast reduction procedure to make his chest look flatter and underwent liposuction with sub-areolar gland removal.  He felt much more confident after the procedure. 


This is a young man who has had gynecomastia since being a teenager.  He was very self-conscious about the appearance of his chest and wear baggy shirts so his nipples could not be seen through his shirts.  He underwent liposuction as well as sub-areolar gland removal.  Post-operatively, his chest is flatter and has a more […]

Arm Lift Patient #2

This is a 50 year old female with a history of bariatric surgery who lost a significant amount of weight.  Instead of opting for a brachioplasty, she underwent liposuction with radiofrequency skin tightening by another provider.  She was left with an abnormal contour and numerous scar nodules. She underwent a brachioplasty which removed her scar […]

Mommy Makeover Patient #3

This 35-year-old mom wanted to improve the appearance of her abdomen and breasts. She felt her breasts were too large and she desired a reduction.  She also wanted loose skin removed from her abdomen. A mommy makeover means combining multiple procedures to improve different parts of the body that were changed after pregnancy. Her abdomen is […]

Mommy Makeover Patient #2

This 43-year-old mom wanted to improve the appearance of her abdomen and breasts. She had excessive skin and a large rectus diastasis. She also desired more volume in her breasts. She underwent liposuction of abdomen and flanks and breast augmentation using 400cc high profile breast implants as part of a mommy makeover.

Mommy Makeover Patient #1

This 40-year-old female wanted to improve the appearance of her abdomen and breasts after having kids to look her best for her upcoming wedding. She underwent liposuction of the abdomen and flanks to show more definition, tummy tuck to remove extra skin along with tightening of her muscles, and a breast augmentation using a 350cc […]


This is a young male who reports having “man boobs” that developed when he was a teenager.  He has always been self conscious about his chest and would never take off his shirt in the locker room or in intimate situations.  He wore a compression garment at all times to cover his chest. He underwent […]

Gynecomastia Patient #1

This patient unfortunately was treated for gynecomastia by a different surgeon and left with a noticeable deformity.  He reports that he originally lost over a 100 pounds and had excessive skin and fat deposits in his chat.  His prior surgeon only performed liposuction to remove the excess fat but did not address the skin laxity.  […]

Tummy Tuck Patient #31

This is a 55 year old female who lost a significant amount of weight through diet and exercise. She had multiple pregnancies. She said she plateaued from her workouts and needed something else to make her feel more confident. She had excess skin and desired a tummy tuck. All of her excess skin was removed […]

Tummy Tuck Patient #30

This is a 60 year old female who lost a significant amount of weight with weight loss medications. She had excess skin throughout her trunk and desired a circumferential abdominoplasty. All of her excess skin was removed and liposuction was performed. She noticed a phenomenal change and has a renewed sense of confidence.

Tummy Tuck Patient #29

This is a 40 year old patient who had multiple pregnancies and loose skin who desired abdominal contouring. She desired removal of excess skin and liposuction to contour her mid-section. She underwent a tummy tuck to further tighten her skin and muscles to have a more contoured look so she could fit into clothing better. 

Tummy Tuck Patient #28

This is a 37 year old female who had weight loss due to diet and exercise.  She felt she looks very boxy and did not feel her shape was feminine despite the weight loss.  Weight loss can decrease weight or body fat percentage but it cannot change one’s underlying shape or spot treat certain areas […]

Tummy Tuck Patient #27

This 30 year old patient had a history of weight loss through bariatric surgery and had loose skin in the abdominal region.  This procedure involves removal of skin. In her post-operative photo, she no longer has abdominal skin excess in that region. 

Tummy Tuck Patient #26

This 35 year old female patient had multiple pregnancies and gained significant weight after each one.  Her skin did not retract and she disliked the laxity in her upper and lower abdominal regions. He goal was to have a flatter abdomen so she could fit in clothing better.  You can see that her abdominal muscles […]

Tummy Tuck Patient #25

This is a 35 year old patient who had prior liposuction of her abdomen but was unhappy with her skin laxity and muscle separation. She underwent a tummy tuck to further tighten her skin and muscles to have a more contoured, fit look. 

Tummy Tuck Patient #24

This is a 27 year old male who had major weight loss due to diet and exercise.  Weight loss can remove fat deposits but it does not get rid of extra skin or tighten the skin.  Another thing to keep in mind is tummy tucks are not just for women.  He underwent this procedure and […]

Tummy Tuck Patient #23

This is a 35 year old female who had multiple pregnancies and presented with significant rectus diastasis.  She did not have much loose skin.  Tightening during a tummy tuck can help address this so one can have a flatter abdomen. These photos were taken 3 months after the procedure and the redness of the scars […]

Tummy Tuck Patient #22

This is a 50 year old female patient who underwent a tummy tuck because she developed a significant amount of loose skin after weight loss.  This procedure involves removal of skin, tightening of rectus abdominus muscles, and liposuction.  She has a much curvier and slimmer figure after this procedure.  

Tummy Tuck Patient #21

This is a 28 year old weight loss patient who lost weight with bariatric surgery.  She had no history of pregnancies.  Her primary concern was loose overhanging skin. She underwent an abdominoplasty in Dallas that primarily removed skin to flatten her abdomen.

Tummy Tuck Patient #20

This 32 year old patient had multiple pregnancies and tried diet and exercise to slim her abdomen.  She states she still had rolls of stubborn fat in the front of her abdomen that would not go away.  She underwent an abdominoplasty with liposuction (360 degress) to help contour and shape her abdomen.  

Tummy Tuck Patient #19

This 35 year old patient had permanent changes to her abdomen after pregnancy including loose skin and stretch marks.  She underwent a drainless abdominoplasty with liposuction to help contour her abdomen.  She was thrilled with her post-operative results. 

Tummy Tuck Patient #18

This is a patient who desires a tummy tuck to improve the appearance of her abdomen.  Despite maintaining a strict diet and workout regimen, she could not fix the bulge in her abdomen or alleviate the excess skin in her lower abdomen.  Rectus diastasis (separation of abdominal muscles leading to bulging of the abdomen) and […]

Tummy Tuck Patient #17

This is a patient who desired a tummy tuck to improve the appearance of her abdomen. She had severe rectus diastasis after multiple pregnancies.  She said it made her look pregnant even though she wasn’t.  Rectus diastasis (separation of abdominal muscles leading to bulging of the abdomen) and excessive skin laxity cannot be corrected by […]

Tummy Tuck Patient #16

This patient lost a significant amount of weight through diet and exercise and is a bodybuilder. She underwent a tummy tuck to address the excess skin and folds in her abdomen.  She had a much more contoured and athletic look after her tummy tuck. *Individual results may vary

Tummy Tuck Patient #15

This young gentleman had 100lbs of weight loss with diet and exercise.  Unfortunately the skin is not eliminated with weight loss.  He underwent a circumferential tummy tuck to remove the excess skin. *Individual results may vary

Tummy Tuck Patient #14

This patient desired a tummy tuck to improve her abdominal contour after having multiple pregnancies.  This was one procedure as a part of her entire mommy makeover. Liposuction was used as an adjunctive procedure to add more definition. *Individual results may vary

Tummy Tuck Patient #13

This patient had a pregnancy complicated by an abdominal surgery requiring emergency abdominal surgery.  Afterwards she developed a very large hernia in her abdomen which made it seem as though she was pregnant. Along with a general surgeon, the hernia was repaired by Dr. Raj and then the patient underwent an abdominoplasty to improve and […]

Tummy Tuck Patient #12

This patient had excess skin circumferentially after weight loss.  She desired an abdominoplasty (circumferential) to address her concerns.  This helped improve her mid-section and made it easier for her to workout and fit into slimmer clothing. *Individual results may vary.

Tummy Tuck Patient #11

This patient developed significant stretch marks and loose skin after pregnancy. Her abdominal contour was restored and all excess skin was removed with an abdominoplasty. This procedure can reverse the effects of pregnancy. *Individual results may vary.

Tummy Tuck Patient #10

This young gentleman had 100lbs of weight loss with diet and exercise.  Unfortunately the skin is not eliminated with weight loss.  He underwent a circumferential tummy tuck to remove the excess skin. *Individual results may vary

Tummy Tuck Patient #9

This patient underwent an abdominoplasty (circumferential) for excess skin and soft tissue in her abdomen that extended to the back. *Individual results may vary

Tummy Tuck Patient #8

This is a patient in her 50s who underwent a complete mommy makeover. She first underwent a tummy tuck and single-stage augmentation mastopexy. Then she underwent a second stage where she had 360 degree liposuction and gluteal augmentation with fat grafting (“Brazilian Butt Lift”). *Individual results may vary

Tummy Tuck Patient #7

This is a patient who never had children but desired a tummy tuck along with circumferential liposuction to improve the contour of her mid-section. She was very pleased with the result. *Individual results may vary  

Tummy Tuck Patient #6

This is a patient who underwent a  tummy tuck in Dallas because she had difficulty losing weight through diet and exercise. She underwent a tummy tuck without using drains which makes the recovery much better for the patients. *Individual results may vary

Tummy Tuck Patient #5

This is a patient in her 50s who desired an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). She had a lot of loose skin and stretch marks preoperatively and desired a more contoured and smooth appearance to her abdomen. *Individual results may vary

Tummy Tuck Patient #4

This is a patient in her 40s who desired an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). She had excess tissue and folds that she could not get rid of through diet and exercise. The procedure helped her achieve the look she wanted. *Individual results may vary

Tummy Tuck Patient #3

This is a patient in her 50s who desired an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) to improve her abdominal contour. Intra-operatively, she was found to have a hernia that required repair. She was very pleased with her result post-operatively. *Individual results may vary

Tummy Tuck Patient #2

This is a patient in her 30s who has had multiple children and was unhappy with the loose skin in her abdomen and did not like how her breasts began to sag after pregnancy. She underwent bilateral augmentation-mastopexy which means she had placement of breast implants and a lift at the same time. She had […]

Tummy Tuck Patient #1

This is a patient in her 40s who desired an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). She has a history of 5 pregnancies (8 children) and has significant rectus diastasis. The tummy tuck procedure helped flatten her abdomen and tighten her muscles. *Individual results may vary

Thighplasty Patient #1

This is a patient who developed loose skin and excess tissue in her arms and thighs with weight fluctuations and aging. She first underwent a thighplasty to improve the contour in her inner thighs. This procedure removes excess skin and tissue in the inner thighs. Then she underwent a brachioplasty (arm lift) to improve the […]


This is a young patient in her 20s who stated she gained a lot of weight during the pandemic and lost her physique.  She desired liposuction to reshape and contour her body and also wanted fat transfer to her buttocks (“BBL”) to add more volume to regions of her buttock that were lacking fullness.  Her […]


This female stated she began to gain more weight over the years and began to develop stubborn areas in her abdomen that would never go away regardless of her weight and exercise regimen.  Sometimes, liposuction is the only solution to address these areas.  She underwent liposuction of the abdomen with Renuvion skin tightening to the […]


This female who felt she was overweight reported having excess fat in her abdomen that made her feel out of shape. She underwent liposuction with Renuvion skin tightening to the abdomen. She also began a new diet and exercise regimen.  She completely transformed herself and the procedure was a jump start for her. 


This female who is in excellent shape reported having stubborn areas in her abdomen and thighs that would never go away regardless of her weight and exercise regimen.  Sometimes, liposuction is the only solution to address these areas.  She underwent liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, inner thighs with Renuvion skin tightening to the abdomen and […]


This female was undergoing menopause and reported losing her slim figure.  She stated with hormone imbalance, she began to deposit more fat in her abdomen, back, and thighs.  Her problem areas were always her inner thighs and “saddle bags” (outer thighs).  She states it made it hard for her to fit into clothing.   She […]


This patient had liposuction of her abdomen, flanks (love handles) and back. She was told by many surgeons to undergo a tummy tuck and I even recommended the same. She wanted to avoid it at all costs and only desired liposuction. In her case, she healed beautifully and her skin retracted to create a flat […]


This is a young patient who never had any pregnancies but had significant fat deposits and loose skin due to weight loss.  Although a tummy tuck was recommended, she decided against it since she was planning to have children in the future.  She opted for liposuction instead and underwent 360 degree liposuction of her trunk.  […]

Liposuction Patient #3

This is a young male who states he put on a significant weight because of the pandemic.  He began a new diet and exercise regimen to get into better shape but felt there were very stubborn areas of fat in his abdomen and love handles.  He underwent 360 degree liposuction to help address his concerns […]

Liposuction Patient #2

This is a young patient who underwent 360 degree liposuction (abdomen, flanks, and back). Her entire contour was dramatically changed and was able to achieve a curvier figure as a result of the procedure.   *Individual results may vary

Liposuction Patient #1

This is a patient in her 30s who was a candidate for a tummy tuck but did not want a long surgery with incisions. She underwent liposuction of her abdomen, waist, and back. There is noticeable improvement of her abdominal contour. *Individual results may vary


This is a patient who had prior pregnancies and wanted to stage her mommy makeover. She underwent 360 degree liposuction (abdomen, flanks, and back) along with fat transfer to her buttocks (“BBL” or buttock augmentation). Her plan was to undergo a tummy tuck in the future to remove excess skin in her abdomen.  She had […]


This is a young patient in her 20s who stated she gained a lot of weight during the pandemic and lost her physique.  She desired liposuction to reshape and contour her body and also wanted fat transfer to her buttocks (“BBL”) to add more volume to regions of her buttock that were lacking fullness.  Her […]


This is a young patient who had prior pregnancies and wanted to stage her mommy makeover. She underwent 360 degree liposuction (abdomen, flanks, and back) along with fat transfer to her buttocks or BBL in Dallas. Her plan was to undergo a tummy tuck in the future to remove excess skin in her abdomen.  She […]


This is a young patient who had stubborn areas of fat in her abdomen, love handles, back, and thighs.  She underwent a skinny BBL where approximately 2 liters of fat was removed through liposuction and then she had gluteal fat transfer to volumize her buttocks.  The key to changing her shape was removing enough fat […]


This is a female who had a prior tummy tuck without liposuction and desired 360 degree liposuction (liposuction of abdomen, flanks, and back) along with gluteal fat transfer.  The removal and redistribution of fat gave her a better figure along with more volume in her buttocks.  This is a great adjunct to a tummy tuck […]


This patient states that after the pandemic, she put on a lot of weight and felt very insecure about her body shape.  She desired 360 degree liposuction to narrow her abdomen and waist.  She liked the shape and volume in her gluteal region (buttocks) but wanted more volume.  Her goal was to have a curvier […]


This patient is a young, slender patient who wanted an athletic BBL.  She underwent liposuction of her abdomen and back followed by gluteal fat grafting.  A smaller amount of volume, approximately 400-500cc, was injected into each buttock to give it more shape and roundedness.  The patient did not want a fake look.  She wanted a […]

Brazilian Butt Lift Patient #1

This is a patient in her 50s who underwent a complete mommy makeover. She first underwent a tummy tuck and single-stage augmentation mastopexy. Then she underwent a second stage where she had 360 degree liposuction and gluteal augmentation with fat grafting “Brazilian Butt Lift”. *Individual results may vary

Arm Lift Patient #1

This is a patient who developed loose skin and excess tissue in her arms and thighs with weight fluctuations and aging. She first underwent a thighplasty to improve the contour in her inner thighs. This procedure removes excess skin and tissue in the inner thighs. Then she underwent a brachioplasty (arm lift) to improve the […]

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