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Facelift Patient #4
This is a young man who underwent a direct necklift with a tiny incision under the neck. It completely transformed his appearance and made him younger without going through a more invasive procedure like a facelift. He is extremely happy with his results.
Facelift Patient #3
This is a patient in her 50s who disliked the appearance of her neck. She is a very active, busy professional who felt she had exhausted all skin care options. She underwent a facelift, necklift, and full face laser. The lift procedures helped remove excess skin and tighten it in order to produce a more […]
Facelift Patient #2
This patient underwent a deep plane facelift and full face laser treatment to correct sagging skin in her neck and face. The laser resurfaces the skin to rejuvenate the appearance and make it appear smoother. She did not like her jowls and the loose skin in her neck. This procedure helped turned back the clock […]
Facelift Patient #1
This is a patient in her 60s who felt she looked extremely tired and had loose and sagging skin throughout her face. She underwent facelift, lower blepharoplasty (lower eyelid lift) and facial fat grafting. The fat grafting helped volumize her mid-face and cheeks while the facelift tightened her skin. *Individual results may vary