Am I a Good Candidate for Chin Lipo?

Chin Lipo

Chin lipo (also known as submental liposuction) is a facial plastic surgery that gets rid of unwanted fat in the chin and neck area. If you’re embarrassed about having a “double chin” or simply want to create a more defined and elegant jawline, this is the procedure for you.

But how do you know if you’re a good double chin lipo candidate? Below, we’ve outlined a comprehensive list of what makes a good candidate for double chin removal with liposuction.

As you read through the list, remember that even if you don’t meet every one of these requirements, it’s still worth scheduling a consultation appointment with Dr. Raja Mohan. If you have excess chin and neck fat you would like to get rid of, Dr. Raj would be happy to sit down with you and discuss your options.

5 Requirements for Being a Good Chin Lipo Candidate

#1 – You’re frustrated by stubborn fat beneath your chin.

If you have a double chin or feel that excess bulk along your neck and beneath your jawline is giving you an unattractive facial silhouette, chin liposuction is likely what you need.

#2 – You’ve tried reducing excess fat through lifestyle changes.

This isn’t always mandatory, but for some patients, overall body fat loss can produce natural benefits for fat beneath the chin as well. This usually depends on the reason for excess fat along a patient’s chin and neck contour.

Sometimes, a double chin is simply an effect of aging or genetics. Other times, it’s a byproduct of overall weight gain.

If you used to have a more defined neck and jawline when you were younger or at a slimmer weight, this may be a clue that losing excess body fat could help improve your neck contour. Again, weight loss isn’t a necessary step for every patient, but it can sometimes help make natural improvements in select patients.

#3 – You’re in good physical health.

When any type of major surgical procedure is performed — whether with general anesthesia or local anesthesia — we want to know that the patient is in good health to handle the physical toll. Even though chin lipo only requires tiny incisions to remove small fatty deposits, risks and complications are always possible, as with any surgery.

Patients should be in good health and free from major medical complications. They should be nonsmokers and at a healthy stable weight. Ideally, patients are leading healthy lifestyles and taking care of themselves through good diet and exercise practices.

#4 – You have good skin elasticity.

The best patients for facial liposuction of any kind have excess fat — but not loose skin or saggy skin. In fact, if you have a lot of wrinkles and skin laxity (loose skin), this can result in even worse-looking results if fat cells are removed with neck liposuction. The sagging skin will not tighten and “bounce back” after fat removal, so it can sometimes look looser and worse overall.

Patients with both excess fatty tissue and loose skin may ultimately benefit from double chin liposuction, but they’ll need additional skin tightening (by way of a neck lift or similar) in addition to chin lipo. Ultimately, you’ll want a board certified plastic surgeon to examine you in person and make a professional recommendation.

#5 – You have realistic expectations.

While today’s submental liposuction techniques can truly help you achieve a stunning chin and neckline with little to no apparent scarring, it’s important that all patients have realistic expectations as they approach surgery.

Whether you’re considering chin lipo, a chin implant, an eyelid lift, facial fat transfer, or any other procedure on your facial features, your entire life will not change with surgery. Changing things that truly bother you, when possible, can be a great boost of confidence. But everyone has minor imperfections, and no one is perfect.

What to Expect From Chin Lipo Before and After

Chin Lipo Before And AfterBefore undergoing chin liposuction, it’s essential to research chin liposuction before and after details. This cosmetic surgery aims to remove excess fat from the chin and neck area, enhancing facial contours. The process typically starts with a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon, during which your goals and health are assessed. A personalized treatment plan is then created.

During the surgery, anesthesia is administered, and small incisions are made discreetly beneath the chin or behind the ears. A thin cannula is used to gently remove excess fat, minimizing trauma to surrounding tissues.

Recovery involves wearing a compression garment to reduce swelling and aid healing. Swelling and bruising are common but should subside over time. The final results become more apparent as swelling diminishes, and most patients can return to their normal activities within a week or two. Choosing a skilled plastic surgeon is crucial for a safe and successful journey to the desired facial contour.

FAQ: Chin Lipo

How much is chin lipo?

Your chin liposuction cost will depend on several factors, including where you undergo surgery (geographic location and who your surgeon is), the extent of your surgery, and whether you opt to have additional procedures performed at the same time. Book a consultation appointment to get an accurate quote.

Do you lose weight with chin lipo?

No, chin liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, nor is any other type of liposuction. The goal is to get rid of subcutaneous fat, but how many pounds are lost in the process has little to no effect on the success of your results.

How long do chin lipo results last?

Ideally, chin liposuction results are long-lasting. However, plastic surgeons recommend maintaining a stable weight and healthy lifestyle in order to maintain results. Also, the natural effects of aging will always be a factor, even after chin lipo.

Book a Double Chin Surgery Consultation Appointment

Chin Lipo CostIs a double chin and excess neck fat keeping you from living your best lift? Chin liposuction is a simple answer. And with little to no noticeable scarring, it can produce excellent, long-lasting results to help boost your confidence and improve your life.

Call today to set up your one-on-one consultation appointment with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Raja Mohan.


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