What Does Chin Liposuction Cost?

Chin Liposuction Cost

Chin liposuction (also known as double chin lipo, submental liposuction, or lipectomy) is a cosmetic procedure that suctions out excess fat from the neck area beneath the chin. Whether due to genetics, weight fluctuations, or just the natural aging process, excess fat can collect beneath the chin and create an undesirable profile. Many men and women struggle with this aesthetic issue, and double chin liposuction can create great improvements.

Still, cost is something that holds many patients back. So, what does liposuction for double chin cost?

To start with, the average chin liposuction cost is between $3,000 and $5,000, or more. However, this price range depends greatly on the extent of surgery required, whether you’ve had chin lipo before, your skin elasticity and how much fat there is to remove, as well as other factors.

Investigating the Cost of Chin Liposuction

Estimating the cost of liposuction for double chin removal is not an easy task. Truth be told, the question, “What does chin liposuction cost?” is like asking “How much does a house cost?”

There are so many variables that it’s actually hard to count them all!

  • Where is the house located?
  • How many rooms and bathrooms does it have?
  • What state is it in?
  • When’s the last time it got a new roof? 
  • How’s the foundation?

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

When it comes to chin liposuction cost, we are asking similar detailed questions about what the patient is looking for and what they’re starting with. Here are some questions that will influence the ultimate cost of your double neck liposuction procedure:

  • Where exactly do you want to remove fat?
  • How do you want to look once you’ve healed?
  • Have you ever had liposuction before?
  • What is your age?
  • Are you a smoker?
  • Do you have sagging skin?
  • Are you looking to have any other procedures performed?

In addition to questions like these, the following will also factor into how exactly the chin liposuction procedure is performed and subsequently, how much it costs:

  • Your facial bone structure
  • How much fat you currently have beneath your chin
  • Your overall skin elasticity
  • Whether you have neck rolls or jowls you’d also like to get rid of

All of these questions and topics will be discussed at your consultation appointment with Dr. Mohan. Together, the two of you can discuss the main concerns you have and your surgical goals. Dr. Mohan will examine your chin and neck region, talk to you about your medical history (be sure to bring those records), and present your best options for surgery.

Breaking Down the Cost of Chin Liposuction

Cost Of Liposuction For Double ChinPlastic surgery is generally regarded as a type of surgery that is not covered by health insurance. Many patients want to know if insurance will pay for their chin liposuction, but unfortunately, because this is an elective procedure, health insurance companies do not cover it.

As an elective surgery — and one patients need to pay for out-of-pocket — it’s important to understand the breakdown of costs. Any type of surgery (heart surgery, knee surgery, gallbladder removal, etc.) will have a breakdown of costs. But because most people have health insurance to cover medically necessary surgeries like these, very few ever investigate the cost breakdown.

We can start by saying that double chin liposuction is a fairly straightforward procedure that can be performed outpatient. An outpatient procedure is one wherein you can undergo the surgery at the surgical facility or hospital and then return to your home on the same day. You don’t need to stay overnight for your initial recovery period.

Still, the surgery involves many components:

  • A skilled plastic surgeon
  • An anesthesiologist
  • A capable nursing staff
  • A professional surgical facility or hospital
  • Highly technical equipment and tools
  • Anesthesia
  • Other critical essentials (for example, medications and garments used during chin liposuction recovery)

Once you are able to imagine the scope of the procedure and all the parts that go into it, it may be easier to understand that every surgery will be different and will, as a result, be charged differently. The best way to know how much your procedure will cost is to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Mohan.

Frequently Asked Chin Liposuction Cost Questions

What if I can’t pay out-of-pocket for chin liposuction?

If you cannot pay for your plastic surgery in full out-of-pocket, there are other financing options available, such as CareCredit, Alphaeon Credit, and PatientFi. Some surgeons accept payment by credit card as well.

Do I have to pay if I don’t like my chin liposuction results?

It is rare for patients to be unhappy with their results after surgery. Usually, this only happens when a truly inexperienced or unskilled surgeon performs the procedure. 

If it does happen, in select cases, plastic surgeons will perform revision surgery free of charge or at a reduced price. However, most surgeries require payment prior to surgery, so not paying altogether is not an option. Fortunately, a truly botched chin liposuction can be fixed by a skilled surgeon. If you’ve had less-than-ideal results from a chin lipo surgery, contact us today to see if you qualify for revision surgery.

Will health insurance pay for chin liposuction?

No, health insurance does not pay for chin liposuction. There are a few cases in which health insurance will pay for plastic surgery (breast revision surgery after a mastectomy, rhinoplasty to fix a deviated septum, and others). However, chin liposuction does not fall under the umbrella of medically necessary plastic surgeries.

Schedule a Consultation Appointment Today

Liposuction For Double Chin CostAre you interested in getting rid of your double chin and feeling great about your appearance? You deserve to look and feel your very best!

Contact our Dallas office today to find out more about chin liposuction and the other plastic surgery procedures we offer. We can also help you calculate your estimated cost of chin liposuction and make plans for fat removal surgery. The new you starts now, so call today!



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