A breast implant incision is the place where your plastic surgeon inserts your breast implant and positions it into place. Those who have not researched or undergone breast augmentation surgery may not know this, but there are actually several locations where your breast implant incision can go.
Below, we’ll outline the three most common breast implant incision types and explore the pros and cons of each. Having this knowledge and an idea of where you may want your incision to go before arriving at your consultation appointment can help expedite and smooth out the planning process leading up to your surgery.
The 3 Most Common Types of Incisions for Breast Implant
Underneath the Breast Fold (Inframammary Incision)
Inframammary incisions are made within the natural creases beneath each breast. This placement offers several advantages, including direct access for precise implant placement. Because the incision is hidden within the breast fold (inframammary fold), it is hardly noticeable, even when wearing a bikini or undergarments.
For some patients, the inframammary incision may be particularly suitable with silicone breast implants. This is due to the larger access point. The potential downside with this incision type is that the scar may be slightly longer when compared to other options, but this varies.
Around or Beneath the Areola (Periareolar Incision)
The periareolar incision location involves creating an incision around or at the bottom edge of the areola. Choosing this location for an incision offers excellent camouflage. The scar blends well with the areola’s pigmentation. This incision also allows for direct access to the breast tissue for implant placement. It can easily be combined with a breast lift procedure if desired by the patient.
With that said, there is a potential for visible scarring with this method. This may happen specifically in patients who have smaller or lighter colored areolae. Some patients may experience changes in nipple sensation as well, though long term loss of sensation is rare.
In the Underarm (Transaxillary Incision)
The transaxillary approach involves creating an incision in the underarm area. Some patients prefer this option because they can avoid scars on the breast altogether. Of course, there is also the reduced risk of changes in nipple sensation (as may rarely occur with periareolar incisions). This approach can be used with both a saline implant and a silicone implant. The scar should be well-hidden within the armpit fold.
As with any incision type, this option does come with downsides too. For instance, a longer scar in the armpit area may be required. Also, the surgical technique and implant placement can be slightly more complex, and there may be challenges in revising or replacing implants using the same incision in the future.
Breast Augmentation Procedure Steps
Every plastic surgeon performs his or her surgeries in their own unique way. Still, the vast majority of breast augmentation procedures follow the same procedural steps.
Step 1: Anesthesia
Once in the operating room, anesthesia is administered to the patient.
Step 2: Incisions
Next, your surgeon will carefully make their incisions based on the chosen technique and the patient’s anatomy.
Step 3: Implant Placement
Your surgeon will then create a pocket for the implant. This will be either beneath the breast tissue (subglandular placement) or behind the chest muscle (submuscular placement).
The implant is carefully inserted through the incision and positioned into place.
Step 4: Suture and Closure
Your surgeon will close the incisions carefully with layered sutures. The choice of suture material varies but is typically absorbable. Skin adhesive or surgical tape may be used to help with wound closure.
Step 5: Dressing and Recovery Phase
Sterile dressings and a supportive surgical bra will be used to minimize swelling, bruising, and discomfort. During breast implants recovery he patient will be taken to a room will be monitored as they wake up from anesthesia.
Step 6: Postoperative Care and Follow-Up Appointments
After surgery, the patient will receive detailed instructions for postoperative care, including pain management, activity restrictions, and information about follow-up appointments.
Regular follow-up visits with your surgeon are crucial in order to properly monitor healing and implant positioning and to address any concerns.
Questions & Answers
Will a breast implant nipple incision scar be noticeable?
Breast augmentation incisions made around the edge of the areola are typically discreet and tend to blend in well with the natural pigmentation of the areola. In cases where the patient’s areolae are small or not very pigmented, the scar may be more noticeable. This will be something that your surgeon will assess at your consultation.
What can I expect from the breast implant incision healing process?
During healing, expect some initial redness and swelling around the incision site. The incision should close within several weeks. Over several months, the scar should gradually fade and become less prominent.
What if my incision gets infected?
If you suspect your incision may be infected, it is very important to contact your surgeon immediately for evaluation and treatment. You can find breast implant incision infection pictures online to compare your own incision, but consulting a medical professional right away is always the safest idea.
Where is the breast implant incision placement when you get implants and a lift?
When you undergo breast implants with a breast lift, the incision placement can vary. Common options include periareolar incisions (around the areola) or inframammary incisions (in the breast crease). Depending on your situation, goals, and anatomy, your plastic surgeon will help make this decision.
Book a Consultation With Dr. Mohan Today
Whether you’re considering saline or silicone implants, round or teardrop shaped, high or low profile, we can help you find the breast implants for you.
Dr. Raja Mohan and his team can assist you in choosing the best breast augmentation incision location for your surgery and offer information on types of breast implants, recovery, breast implant cost, follow-up appointments, the risks of breast augmentation, and more.
To book your consultation, give our office a call today.