Factors Affecting the Cost of Breast Implants

Cost Of Breast Implants

Multiple factors affect the cost of breast implants. This makes it nearly impossible to provide a single estimate for all breast implant surgeries in Dallas. Fortunately, having a better understanding of these factors can help you better navigate the financial side of breast augmentation and find a surgeon that fits your budget.

Breast Augmentation Cost Factors

Breast augmentation is a complex surgery that requires a skilled and experienced surgeon and surgical team as well as an accredited surgical facility. The following factors will influence the total cost of your procedure.

Surgeon’s Fee

Plastic surgeons always charge surgeon’s fees for their skill, services, and ongoing treatment and medical care. As skilled medical professionals, this fee usually makes up the bulk of the total cost of each plastic surgery.

Geographic Location

When a plastic surgeon is based in a rural area, they may charge a lower final cost for their surgeries. A plastic surgeon based in a large city, on the other hand will often charge more for their cosmetic surgeries because the cost of living in their region is higher.

Anesthesia Fees

Breast augmentation can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. The type of anesthesia your surgeon recommends will usually be discussed and decided at your initial consultation appointment.

Breast Implants

One cost factor some patients forget to consider is the actual price of the breast implants you choose. The more advanced and unique the breast implants, the higher the cost. Gummy bear implants tend to be the most expensive while saline implants tend to be the least expensive.

Operating Room Fees

Hospital and surgical facility fees will also play a role in the overall cost of breast implants surgery. Because this is a popular cosmetic procedure, many surgical facilities have set costs for the procedure. Just keep in mind that this will be an extra itemized portion of your final bill.

Additional Expenses Before and After Breast Augmentation

Before and after your breast augmentation, you may encounter additional fees. For example, after surgery, to help avoid unsightly scars and uncomfortable scar tissue (capsular contracture), silicone gel products can be used to soften and flatten scars. Massage and laser therapy may also be beneficial. Patients should also consider the cost of taking time off from work and the price of post surgery garments.

Before surgery, if you require medical clearance for surgery, blood draws, image scans, and other medical tests may need to occur as well. The cost of these tests will be the patient’s responsibility.

Will Health Insurance Pay for Breast Augmentation Costs?

Average Cost of Breast Implants

When considering health insurance and the total cost of breast augmentation, it’s important to make a distinction between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery.

In fact, plastic surgery is a broader field that encompasses both reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Reconstructive plastic surgery focuses on restoring function and appearance after injuries, birth defects, or serious medical conditions. On the other hand, cosmetic surgery, a subset of plastic surgery, concentrates solely on enhancing a person’s aesthetic appearance.

If your breast augmentation is for reconstructive purposes (for example, after a mastectomy to cure or prevent breast cancer), your insurance provider may pay for the breast reconstruction surgical procedure. With this procedure, a breast implant incision is carefully made which then allows for the placement of one or two implants.

If, however, you want a boob job so that your breasts look perkier and more youthful, bigger in general, or more proportionate and even, health insurance would consider this a cosmetic procedure and would not provide coverage in all likelihood.

What Financing Options Are Available for the Cost of Breast Augmentation?

While some plastic surgeons offer payment plans through their practice, many plastic surgeons prefer to use medical credit companies such as CareCredit. Patients can apply for a line of credit through one of these establishments and have their procedure paid for while they make manageable monthly installments.

Of course, patients are always able to pay out-of-pocket as well, and credit cards are generally accepted too. Talk to our staff to learn more about the cost of surgery and your financing options.

Q&A: Average Cost of Breast Implants

Cost of Breast Lift and Implants

What is the cost of breast lift and implants together?

When compared to the cost of breast lift without implants, a breast lift with implants is almost always going to be more. This is simply because the compounded procedure (breast lift and augmentation together) will require more time, preparation, equipment and tools, staffing, and skill provided by your surgeon.

How much do individual breast implants cost?

When undergoing breast implant surgery, one key cost factor is the actual cost of the breast implants themselves. Depending on whether you choose gummy bear implants, silicone implants, or saline implants, breast implant costs can vary drastically. As an estimate, most implants cost between $3,500 and $6,000 or more.

Is a breast lift or implants more expensive?

When it comes to the cost of breast lift vs implants, most of the time, a lift is going to cost more. This depends on the situation, of course. But in the majority of cases, a breast lift will be more complex and require more skill and preparation.

Call Today to Schedule a Consultation

If you have additional questions about undergoing breast augmentation surgery or any other breast enhancement surgery, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Raja Mohan and his staff are here to help. Are breast implants safe? What types of breast implants are available? Dr. Raja Mohan can walk you through any questions you may have.

Book your consultation appointment today to learn more about the ins and outs of breast surgery and how you can start planning for your own breast augmentation procedure!



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