Brazilian Butt Lift Cost: Your Questions Answered

Brazilian Butt Lift Cost Your Questions Answered

Brazilian butt lift cost is mostly influenced by who your surgeon is and how much they choose to charge. But other factors will impact your cost estimate for BBL surgery as well.

In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the main factors affecting the cost of Brazilian butt lift surgery and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about this topic.

How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Cost?

Brazilian butt lift surgery costs at least $6,000 according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. However, this amount does not take into consideration your surgeons fee, your anesthesiologist’s fee and the cost of anesthesia, fees for the use of operating room facilities, and other expenses.

This means that most Brazilian butt lift surgeries are going to cost considerably more than $6,000. Other plastic surgery procedures have similar cost breakdowns.

Ultimately, you must make an appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon to determine the actual estimate for your butt augmentation procedure. Their surgeon’s fee cost breakdown, their skill and expertise in performing BBLs, and where they are located geographically can all impact your final bill.

How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Cost Near Me?

A quick Google search of the cosmetic surgeries you are considering and your geographic location will show you which plastic surgeons in the area offer those procedures. Search “BBL surgery Dallas”, for example, if you want a BBL and you plan to undergo surgery in Dallas.

Always make sure that the surgeons you meet with are board certified and have experience performing the cosmetic procedures you want.

Read their bios, check out past patient reviews, and look at their photo galleries. If you want a BBL, for instance, you’ll want to look through each surgeon’s Brazilian butt lift before and after photos to see examples of their past work.

Of course, you can always travel out-of-state to undergo surgery if you find a doctor you prefer in another locality.

Dr. Raja Mohan is a board certified surgeon practicing in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Mohan performs BBL procedures for Dallas-area patients as well as for out-of-state patients who travel to his practice for treatment.

How Can I Finance My BBL?

Let’s face it: plastic surgery can get expensive. So, if you’re not prepared to pay for your procedure right away out-of-pocket, you’ll need another option.

Fortunately, many patients qualify for economical financing options. You’ll need to check with your surgeon and their team to know which of these pay plans their practice accepts. But for the most part, patients can choose from the following options:

  • CareCredit
  • PatientFi
  • Major Credit Card Payment

Medical credit lines like those from CareCredit are some of the best medical financing options available.

Why Won’t Health Insurance Cover a BBL?

Because buttock augmentation of any kind is considered cosmetic surgery, health insurance plans will not provide coverage.

Health insurance is meant to only cover medically necessary procedures. In some cases, this includes plastic surgery. For example, breast reduction is sometimes covered.

But a cosmetic procedure such as a BBL, which is performed to enhance a person’s shape and attractiveness, is not considered medically necessary.

FAQ: Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

What’s the difference between butt implants and a BBL?

When it comes to butt implants vs BBL surgery, the difference is distinct. Although both plastic surgery procedures aim to augment (increase the size of) the buttocks, butt implants do so by way of an actual prosthetic implant — similar to breast implants.

On the other hands, a Brazilian butt lift BBL is a fat transfer procedure. This means that fat is removed from the waist (or another location on the body) and reinjected into the buttocks and hip area. The fat is then meant to “survive” the transfer and adhere in its new location, thus plumping and volumizing the butt.

Another difference is butt implant vs BBL cost. Most butt implant procedures cost slightly more than BBL procedures. Any type of buttock enhancement cost will not be covered by insurance.

Is BBL surgery painful?

Any cosmetic surgery that requires incisions will also require anesthesia. BBL surgery requires incisions, and as such, your surgeon will administer general anesthesia. Therefore, during surgery, you will not feel any discomfort or pain.

However, during Brazilian butt lift recovery, it’s common to have some soreness and pain in the initial days. Fortunately, we can prescribe pain medication to limit your discomfort. Pain will also naturally go away with time.

Will I have BBL scars?

Yes, BBL surgery requires incisions, which means some minimal scarring. Unlike some other procedures such as tummy tuck surgery, however, BBL scars are barely noticeable.

They come mainly from the liposuction portion of the procedure where very small incisions are needed for insertion of the suction cannula. During the fat transfer to buttocks portion of surgery, when fat cells are injected into the hips and buttocks (called fat grafting), only small dot-like cuts are made. Both types of incisions should heal flat and fade almost to obscurity over time.

Contact Us Today to Set Up a Consultation

How Much Does A Brazilian Butt Lift CostNot all plastic surgeons are created equal when it comes to Brazilian butt lift surgery. In other words, while many plastic surgeons say they offer BBLs on their websites, not all are gifted at performing them. It’s important not only to look for a board certified plastic surgeon, but to look for one who has specialized training in BBL surgery as well.

If you are interested in Brazilian butt lifts, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Raja Mohan has extensive experience and skill performing BBLs at his Dallas practice. Please call today to set up your one-on-one consultation for a Brazilian butt lift procedure with Dr. Mohan.


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