How to Sleep After Chin Liposuction

How To Sleep After Chin Liposuction

When you’re planning to undergo chin liposuction, there are so many things to consider, organize, and prepare that it can be difficult to know where to start. Work needs to be taken off, meals should be precooked or planned, and sometimes, child and pet care must be arranged as well. However, one area that often goes overlooked in preparation for chin liposuction surgery is sleep. 

As with most plastic surgeries, patients of chin lipo must sleep in a slightly different position as they recover from chin liposuction. In this article, we’ll examine the best way to get good quality sleep without disturbing your surgical sites or compromising your results after this procedure. First, however, let’s take a closer look at post-surgery sleep and why it is so crucial to a good recovery.

The Importance of Sleep After Plastic Surgery

During your recovery time for chin liposuction, one of the most important things you can do is sleep. Why is sleep so vital?

You probably already know that a good night’s rest is crucial to a productive next day. But it’s also important for your overall health and the function of your immune system. As you go through your chin liposuction recovery day by day, it is your immune system that will be helping your body heal itself.

Unfortunately, many people neglect their sleep and in doing so, put their immune system in a compromised state. They may be more susceptible to the common cold or flu, and some experts even say that major infections and chronic diseases can be caused by a lack of quality sleep.

While recovering from major plastic surgery, we need your immune system to be in excellent working order. Developing an infection can be particularly dangerous after such a procedure. Likewise, your body simply will not heal well if it’s not running properly. This could mean poorly healed scars, uneven results, and a bad outcome altogether.

How to Sleep After Chin Liposuction 

Excess fat along the neck and chin area is a common cosmetic concern. The goal with chin lipo is to achieve optimal results (less fatty tissue) in the chin and neck area with a firm new shape and skin that does not sag or droop. We want to reveal a slimmer, more defined face and neck profile.

When it comes to sleep and recovery from chin liposuction, we have two goals: optimal positioning and comfort. 

Optimal Positioning

Chin Lipo Before And AfterFirst, we need you in a position that is even, protected, and elevated. To make sure this happens, we advise you to sleep on your back with your upper body slightly elevated. 

This position will mean gravity is “pulling” on you from both sides evenly and you’re not tipped to one side as you would be if you slept on your side. Without “even” sleep, your results could become lopsided. 

Sleeping on your back also helps protect your chin and neck area, especially your incision sites. Side and stomach sleepers can sometimes put too much pressure on their neck and chin and stress their incisions. This can lead to poor scarring and even reopen wounds.

Finally, sleeping on your back and elevated will help keep your chin and neck area in a natural position and will encourage better circulation and less swelling and fluid buildup.

Patient Comfort

Your comfort is also important as you sleep. Many patients lose sleep during plastic surgery recovery because they feel awkward sleeping on their backs and elevated. Sometimes, pain is a factor as well. 

To improve your sleep comfort, make sure you have ample pillows to position yourself in a slightly upright position. Likewise, make sure your clothing and bedding is clean and comfortable. 

And finally, go to bed at a consistent time when you are tired every night, taking your medications as directed to reduce pain. Do not sleep too much during the day or it could disrupt your night sleep.

Warning Signs After Chin Liposuction

Most chin liposuction procedures are totally safe and create wonderful results for patients. Still, this is a major surgery, and as is the case with all surgeries, there are risks. Dr. Mohan will go over these with you, but for now, know that you should contact our office immediately if any of the following arise:

  • Excessive bloody drainage
  • Residual numbness

If you develop severe shortness of breast, upper chest pain, or severe pain in the entire upper body, contact 9-1-1 immediately. Note that these symptoms are very rare after chin liposuction.

Top Tips for Chin Liposuction Recovery

Below are some additional tips to consider as you recover from surgery:

  • Pick up pain medication and other prescriptions ahead of surgery, if possible. (Many patients ask friends or family members to pick up their pain medications). 
  • Follow all post operative instructions closely. 
  • Wear your compression garment as directed to minimize swelling and minimize bruising.
  • Keep your incision sites clean and dry.
  • If okayed by your surgeon, try a cool compress to ease pain if you’re feeling uncomfortable

Set Up a Chin Liposuction Consultation

Recovery Time For Chin LipoFor more information about how to sleep after chin liposuction and how you can have a positive and successful recovery from this procedure, contact our office today and schedule a private consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Raja Mohan. 

At your appointment, Dr. Mohan will want to examine your chin and neck area, talk to you about your main concerns and goals, and discuss your medical history. You’ll also be able to look at some of Dr. Mohan’s chin lipo before and after photos from past patients.

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