Vaser Liposuction Recovery: Everything You Wanted to Know

Vaser Liposuction Recovery

Vaser liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes ultrasound technology to get rid of unwanted fat cells. Most patients opt for Vaser lipo to achieve a more toned and chiseled appearance, as the cosmetic procedure is designed to target subdermal fat cells. These are the superficial fat cells below the skin’s surface that a healthy lifestyle and a good exercise routine can’t always help with.

One of the primary benefits of Vaser liposuction procedures is that it’s associated with a shorter recovery period than traditional liposuction, as it’s a minimally invasive procedure. Therefore, most patients can return to their everyday lives — within reason — in just a few weeks after undergoing a Vaser lipo procedure.

Of course, there’s more to understand about Vaser liposuction recovery and the healing process before scheduling your Vaser liposuction consultation.

How Does the Vaser Liposuction Procedure Work?

Vaser liposuction is a liposuction technique that is considered a body contouring procedure as it aims to remove a small volume of unwanted stubborn fat deposits while tightening loose skin in each treatment area compared to traditional liposuction. Unlike traditional liposuction, Vaser lipo utilizes ultrasound energy technology to gently liquefy fat cells and suction them out.

Thanks to the advanced sound energy technology used during Vaser lipo, the surrounding tissues, blood vessels, nerves, and muscles are less affected, which helps to reduce swelling and minimize bruising and discomfort during and after the procedure. The Vaser lipo procedure also requires small incision sites among the treated areas. Therefore, patients experience less scarring when they undergo Vaser liposuction.

Because Vaser liposuction or Hi-def liposuction is minimally invasive, it only requires local anesthesia to mitigate pain. The procedure itself only takes up to two hours to complete, depending on the area of treatment and how much fat needs to be removed. Most patients can leave immediately after the Vaser lipo procedure to begin the healing process.

What to Expect During Vaser Liposuction RecoveryVaser Liposuction Recovery Time

The typical recovery time for Vaser liposuction is between four and seven days. However, this only refers to the initial phase of Vaser lipo recovery. The most important thing to understand is that Vaser liposuction recovery time varies, as the healing process depends on the individual. This is true with all cosmetic procedures.

During the initial consultation for Vaser liposuction, plastic surgeons always provide a breakdown of the recovery period and what patients can expect.

They’ll go over important things, such as when you can return to regular exercise and strenuous activities, taking pain medication, the type of compression garment you’ll need to wear, how to prevent blood clots, and how to achieve superior results from the surgery.

Your Vaser lipo recovery will depend on various factors, from your immune system strength to how well you follow your surgeon’s instructions in caring for your body during the weeks after the surgery. However, you can expect the timeline for recovery after Vaser lipo to look a lot like this:

Week 1

You can expect to return home the same day as your Vaser lipo surgery date. During the first week of recovery, you’ll feel the most pain and swelling in the areas treated. However, the pain will subside significantly each day. There may also be some excess fluid leakage, which your surgeon will explain how to address.

Wearing a compression garment during this time will be mandatory. Compression apparel helps to promote blood flow and reduce swelling after surgeries like Vaser lipo. They also allow for better body contouring as they support the area while everything settles back into place.

During the first week of Vaser lipo recovery, you’ll also need plenty of rest. This means you won’t be able to return to work or do much other than shower.

Week 2

During week two, you’ll likely be able to return to your job if it doesn’t involve strenuous activities. Some light exercise, such as walking, may be permitted, but don’t expect to do any heavy lifting.

You’ll still be expected to wear your compression apparel and rest as much as possible to avoid tissue damage. There will still be significant swelling as well. However, you shouldn’t feel any pain except for some moderate soreness.

Week 3

You’ll still have to wear your compression garments by the third week of your Vaser lipo recovery. There will also still be swelling and minimal bruising, but there shouldn’t be any pain.

Rest is still paramount at this time, so exercise should still be kept very light.

Week 4

By week four, any discomfort should be gone. Of course, there will still be swelling in the area of treatment, which means a compression garment is still required. You’ll still need to keep any exercise moderate unless your surgeon clears you to return to regular exercise and activities.

Tips For a Smoother Vaser Liposuction Recovery Time

If you want to accelerate recovery after Vaser liposuction, listening to your surgeon’s instructions is essential. You can also follow these tops for a faster recovery:

  • Keep up with a nutritious diet. You’ll need all the vitamins, minerals, and protein you can get to repair your tissue matrix. Drinking plenty of water is also necessary to help flush excess fluid out.Recovery After Vaser Liposuction
  • Schedule appointments for lymphatic drainage massage. This gentle massage can help expel excess fluid from your body, which will help tone down the swelling much quicker during the weeks of your recovery.
  • Don’t remove your compression garments. Unless it’s to shower, wear your compression gear at all times. Investing in a few garments is recommended so you can rotate and wash them during recovery.
  • Get your home ready for recovery. Before your surgery appointment, you’ll want to get your home environment ready. Prepare healthy meals and make sure to have everything you need within reach. If possible, plan to have someone help you around the house. The less you have to do, the quicker you’ll fully recover.

Vaser Liposuction Recovery FAQs

What should I avoid after Vaser liposuction?

During your Vaser liposuction recovery, you’ll want to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol before and during the weeks of your recovery. You’ll also have to avoid exercise until your surgeon says otherwise.

Is Vaser lipo painful?

The pain experienced after Vaser lipo is different for everyone. Generally speaking, most people experience moderate soreness and discomfort during the first weeks of Vaser liposuction recovery.

When will I see the results from Vaser liposuction?

Unlike alternative fatty tissue treatments, like traditional liposuction, it should only take a few weeks to see the results from Vaser lipo. However, each patient is different, so it may take one to six months to see results after fully recovering.  You will love to see your before and after results.

Schedule a Consultation For Vaser Liposuction Today

If you’re already near your ideal weight but are struggling to tone up, Vaser liposuction may be right for you. Dr. Raja Mohan can help you determine the best course of treatment for those stubborn areas and walk you through the entire Vaser liposuction recovery process.

Contact our caring and supportive cosmetic surgery team today to schedule your Vaser lipo consultation!


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