Is Liposuction for Men Too?

Is Liposuction For Men Too

Absolutely! In fact, liposuction for men is rising in popularity. More and more men are realizing that some stubborn fat deposits are nearly impossible to get rid of with a healthy lifestyle combined with diet and exercise alone.

Liposuction in Dallas, on the other hand, is a simple, safe, and effective method to spot reduce fat permanently.

What Is Liposuction?

Traditional liposuction is the removal of excess fat from the body. Many men tend to collect fat — especially as they age — around the stomach, on the flanks, and on the chest. This buildup of fat can cause men to feel self-conscious, especially when shirtless, when wearing tight clothing, or in intimate situations.

Frequently, men will exercise and diet diligently to try and reduce pockets of unwanted fat naturally. However, this simply isn’t always possible. It’s often the case that certain pockets of fat are just stubborn against diet and exercise, and they can only be removed with liposuction.

With a liposuction procedure, the fat cells are literally suctioned out of the body. First, anesthesia is administered. This may be a local anesthetic with an IV sedation or general anesthesia.

Then, a series of incisions will be made around the target fat reduction area. A metal tube called a cannula is then inserted into the incisions. Your surgeon will agitate the area (or sometimes a different method of fat loosening is used), and the excess fat will be suctioned out via the tube.

Types of Liposuction for MenBest Liposuction For Men

As is the case with most cosmetic surgery, both men and women can qualify for liposuction. Male lipo is performed in the same way as liposuction for women.

There are different types of advanced liposuction techniques, including laser liposuction, tumescent liposuction, VASER liposuction, power-assisted liposuction, HD liposuction (high definition liposuction technique), and others.

Common Areas for Male Liposuction

For most men liposuction is performed on the chest to reduce excess breast tissue (male breast reduction or gynecomastia surgery), stomach, or flanks and back. However, this fat removal procedure can be performed nearly anywhere, from the chin and upper arms to the inner knees and ankles.

Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck for Men

Some men confuse liposuction surgery and tummy tuck surgery. The basic thing you need to know about the difference between these two cosmetic procedures is that lipo removes fat, and tuck surgery removes excess skin.

In general, the tuck procedure is more complicated than liposuction. Liposuction simply suctions out excess unwanted fat via very small incisions. Tummy tuck surgery requires several incisions to be made on the abdomen and for the skin to be pulled downward like a window shade.

If you do have both excess fat and excess loose skin, both liposuction and tummy tuck surgery can be combined.

Who Qualifies for Male Liposuction?

Most healthy men qualify for lipo procedures. You should be in good physical health with no major medical conditions. You should not be a smoker, and you should eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

And finally, make sure you’re at a healthy weight. Some surgeons may have specific weight limit restrictions in place. But what it really comes down to is health and stability.

In other words, your weight should be healthy for your age, sex, and height. But you should also be used to maintaining a stable weight for a significant amount of time. Too many weight fluctuations could change your results over time, so your surgeon wants to know that you’re able to maintain whatever weight you’re currently at.

FAQ: Male Liposuction

How much weight can a man lose with liposuction?

Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. If you have a significant amount of weight to lose, you should do this through exercise and diet or weight loss surgery (if necessary) prior to undergoing liposuction.

Take a look at liposuction before and after photos to see the amount of change that liposuction typically produces. Moderate body contouring adjustments and refinements can be made with this procedure. It is typically set aside for patients who want to remove stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to exercise and diet.

Liposuction Cost For MenHow much is liposuction for men?

Costs can vary drastically when it comes to liposuction. The liposuction cost at one surgeon’s practice may be vastly different from another surgeon’s cost.

Moreover, patients need varying degrees of liposuction. One patient may only want liposuction on one small area of their belly while another patient may seek liposuction for their chest, abdomen, flanks, thighs, and elsewhere. These costs are going to vary.

It is best to schedule a one-on-one consultation with a plastic surgeon to determine your estimated cost for liposuction surgery.

Will liposuction get rid of visceral fat?

Visceral fat lies deep within the abdomen, behind the ab muscles typically associated with a six-pack. Unlike subcutaneous fat, which is just beneath the skin and can be targeted by liposuction, this type of fat is too deep for this procedure.

Arrange a Consultation Today

Looking for a plastic surgeon who specializes in body contouring for male patients in the Dallas area?

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Raja Mohan is fellowship-trained and a leading surgeon in his field. His attention to detail and great rapport with patients have earned him an established place among some of the best plastic surgeons in the area.

Please contact our office today to learn more about liposuction for men and the other aesthetic plastic surgery procedures we offer.


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